iOS Devices
- iOS 13.0 and later:
Open the App Store
Go to "Account" using the icon on the upper-right of the screen
Swipe down on the screen to refresh the update list
- Earlier than iOS 13.0
Open the App Store
Tap "Updates"
Swipe down on the screen to refresh the update list
If the app still does not update after carrying out the aforementioned steps, there may be a delay in the update being implemented to the store. Please wait and try again later.
Android Devices
1. The app will not update
Launch the Google Play Store app
Search for "Purenista"
Tap the "Update" button
2. The app will not start, despite using the latest version
It is possible that Google may be experiencing server delays. In some cases, the update page may also indicate that you have the latest version of the app when you are in fact running an older version.
Please note that all Android users may not receive updates at the same time. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait and try again later.